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Support Page
Downloading Your Software
If you would like to download, or update, your copy of software we sell, then you can download it from this site:
Accessing your software licensing information and download link
Our software is licensed to RDM controllers, such a JESE RDM-TRI MK2. To access the software licensed to a controller, first log in on our support page, using the Serial Number and Check ID found on your controller. If your controller is a DMXter product, make sure to tick the checkbox and choose your controller from the drop-down list. Press the "Search" button once your controller details are entered.

You will now be on a page with information about your device, with download links to any useful user documents we have for your device, and information on any Support Tickets that have been opened for it. If your controller is licensed to any software then in the bottom left, under the image of your controller, will be a box titled "Software Licenses".

The Software Licenses box will display which software applications are licensed to your device. Clicking on the software name, such as "JESE GetSet MV License" will take you to a new page with your license information and the software download link.
Software Licenses Image
After logging in on the support page, any licenses for the controller will be shown.
The software license page
In the centre of the new page will be information about your software license. Here you will find the date your software was first licensed, when your subscription expires, and the 32 character license key for your software. Additionally, you will find the blue "Download" link. Pressing "Download" will download the latest version of the software your subscription allows. To find out more about subscriptions, visit the subscription help page.
Downloading software
Whether this is the first time your using it, or if you are just updating your software, pressing "Download" will download a set-up file for the software. Run this executable file to begin the installation process. If you already have the software on your computer, then the installation will remove the old version, but keep your user settings (such as the on/off "Auto-discovery" setting in GetSet MV).
Using your license
If you are connected to the internet when you run our software, and your licensed controller is attached and discovered by the application, it will automatically verify that you have a license to it. If you are using GetSet MV offline, you may be asked to manually enter the license key - the license key is the 32 character code found on the GetSet MV license page for your controller.
License Information Image
Select a license, then click the blue "Download" link to get your software.